PoultryDVM Infographics Gallery

  • Foods you should not feed your chicken
  • Signs of Reproductive Disease in Hens
  • Signs of Ear Infections in Chickens
  • Giving Chickens Health Exams
  • The use of Blue-Kote on Chickens
  • Fun Facts about Chickens
  • How to Make a Hobble for a Baby Chick
  • Is My Chicken Molting?
  • Where to Give Chickens Intramuscular (IM) Injections
  • Chicken Thermoregulation Chart
  • Blood Collection Sites in Chickens
  • Avian Coccidiosis
  • Clues to Identify Common Ectoparasites of Backyard Chickens
  • Hen or Rooster?
  • Enrichment for Chickens
  • How to Identify a Sick Chicken
  • Mycotoxins in Chicken Feed
  • Winterizing your Chicken Coop
  • Poor Air Quality Concerns for Chickens
  • Keeping Chickens Cool in Hot Weather
  • Reasons why DIY Crop Surgery isn’t a good idea
  • When to take your chicken to see your veterinarian
  • Protecting your Flock from Avian Influenza
  • Guide to Keeping House Chickens
  • ‘Gentling’ Roosters 101
  • Tips for Protecting Chickens from Predators
  • Tips for Keeping Bachelor Flocks
  • Dealing with Ratsnakes in Chicken Coops
  • Poultry Predator: The Red Fox
  • The Dangers of Heat Lamps in Chicken Coops
  • Submitting Backyard Poultry for a Necropsy
  • Caring for your Newly Adopted Chicken
  • Toxic Oleander
  • What to do with your Chickens During a Hurricane