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Flea Infestation

Other Names: Sticktight Flea Infestation

The most common flea found on chickens is the sticktight flea (Echidnophaga gallinacea) which is named after the female flea’s behavior—it “sticks tight” to the surface of the host by embedding its head into the skin for days at a time. The european chicken flea (Ceratophyllus gallinae) has been reported less frequently. Both fleas are found in tropical, subtropical, and temperate zones worldwide. E. gallinacea is more prevalent in the summer and autumn months. In the United States, em>E. gallinacea infestations occur more commonly in California and the southern states. In a study conducted on backyard flocks in southern California in 2015, E. gallinacea were found on 20% of the properties visited.

Adult E. gallinacea are small (1.4-4 mm long), reddish-brown to black, wingless, blood-sucking insects. The females embed their heads into the skin of the host and feed on blood, where they may remain for days. E. gallinacea can also serve as vectors and transmit pathogens to their host.

E. gallinacea is infests the non-feathered parts of the bird and commonly found on the the face, eyelids, comb, wattles and neck. The flea bites are painful and irritating and can lead to swlling, irritation, weight loss, anemia, and death. In severe infestations when they are found around the themselves around the eyes it can cause blindness.

Although poultry are the primary host of E. gallinacea, they have become increasingly more common in domestic dogs and cats. On dogs and cats, they are typically found between the toe pads or around the ears. E. gallinacea are often mistaken for ticks. Besides dogs and cats, these fleas have also been reported in humans, horses, pigs, squirrels, rabbits, rodents, other bird species.

Sticktight flea Life Cycle

The complete life cycle of the flea is 1 to 2 months, varying according to the temperature. The adult female fleas lay their eggs at night while remaining attached to the bird. The eggs drop to the ground underneath where the bird is sleeping. In about four days, small worm-like larvae emerge from the eggs and contaminate the environment. Larvae will feed on organic material and feces from the adult fleas and hide underneath bedding or soil. They will molt several times before burrowing deep down into the soil and cocoon themselves where they will develop into adult fleas. This process takes about two weeks. Once the adult fleas emerge, they will seek one of your chickens to feed on.

Bedbugs Vs Red Poultry Mites Vs Sticktight Fleas

BedbugRed poultry miteSticktight Flea
Adult Appearance   
 BedbugRed poultry miteSticktight flea
Size4-12 mm (0.15-0.47 in)1-1.5 mm (0.04-0.06 in)1.5-4 mm (0.06-0.16 in)
ColorReddish brownGray to blackDark brown
Turns redYesYesNo
Body typeOval and flatOvalFlat
SpeedQuick-movingSlow movingSlow moving
Visible to the naked eyeYesYesYes
Feeds onBloodBloodBlood
Where they are foundHide in crevices, cracks, behind floorboards, in walls, and behind wall outlets during the day, feed on chickens at nightHide in crevices and cracks during the day, feed on chickens at nightBare skin on the head - comb, wattles, near eyes
TransmissionContaminated equipmentWild birds, rodents, wildlife, dogs, cats, humans, contaminated equipmentTurkeys, wildlife, wild birds, dogs, cats, horses, pigs, people, soil, litter
Where eggs are laidTiny, microscopic whitish, sticky eggs that adhere to surfaces in secluded areasLays their eggs in their hiding spotsLay their eggs around the eyes anad wattles of chickens, causing nodules. Once the flea larvae hatch, they drop off the chicken to live in the soil for 2 weeks.
Average Life cycle4 weeks2 weeks1-2 months
How you can tellLook around the premises for the presence of bugsLook for them at night on the birds Visible during the daytime, found in clusters on unfeathered areas, such as the bird's eyes, comb, and wattles.
TemperatureTemperate regionsWarm weatherWarm and humid weather
Clinical signsExcessive feather loss, vent irritation, lesions on breasts and legs, anemia, reduced egg productionRestlessness at night, dermatitis, anemia, may cause chickens to alter where they roost at night.dark brown spots face, anemia, restlessness, swollen eyelids, crusted lesions, ulcerations, blindness
Carry diseasesYesYesNo

Treatment of Fleas on Chickens

There are two parts to treatment of fleas in chickens. The first part is removing the adult fleas from the chicken. If there are small numbers, they can removed individually by hand using tweezers. Followed by applying a topical antibiotic ointment to help minimize risk of secondary infection. If there are large numbers of fleas, a flea treatment product such as those used for puppies or kittens may need to be applied directly on the fleas. If the fleas are close to the eyes, extreme care should be taken.

The second part of treatment is removal of flea eggs and developing larvae from the chicken's environment. The coop should be thoroughly cleaned. All bedding materials (litter, straw, shavings, etc.) should be completely removed and replaced. The soil or alternative ground cover in the chicken's run should be tilled and/or replaced.

Clinical Signs

Embedded dark brown fleas
Skin irritation
Pale comb/wattles
Frequent scratching/irritation


  • History
  • Clinical signs
  • Physical exam
  • Identification of bug

Reported Cases

  • Case 1: Concurrent flea and lice infestation in a Chickens Five 30-week-old laying chickens were presented to the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) in Gonzales for necropsy. Birds were weak, lethargic, and depressed. The flock had a history of severe production drop starting approximately four weeks following housing in the laying facility at 22 weeks of age. Clinical signs included coughing, droopiness, loss of vitality, shriveled combs, and weight loss. Approximately 500 birds were left out of the original placement of 1,000. The house had a dirt floor with an outside run. The house had been sprayed three times with a poultry disinfectant approximately one month prior to placement. Upon necropsy evaluation, it was noted the birds had varying degrees of breast muscle atrophy. There were large numbers of small dark fleas attached to the skin of the comb, wattles, and face. Birds also had large numbers of lice under the feathers of the back and legs. Birds were relatively pale and the blood was watery in appearance indicative of anemia. Ref


Small numbers of fleas can be removed individually by hand using tweezers. Followed by applying an topical antibiotic ointment to the area where the flea was found to minimize risk of secondary infections.M Ficken Texas A&M Veterinary Diagnostic Lab 2024; P Koehler 2015
Malathion 5% liquid or gel applied directly to the fleasF Salgado 2017
FipronilSpray directly on fleasB Speer; Clinical Veterinary Advisor
Spinosad (Trade name Elector PSP)Applied as a spray on all coop housing components.B Mullens 2017; A Murillo 2017; Dow AgroSciences 2001
Diatomaceous Earth (DE) (food grade)Dust all housing components.A Murillo et al., 2016; C Martin et al., 2012; D Bennett et al., 2011, G Damerow
SulfurApplied as a dust to all housing components in coopA Murillo et al., 2016, G Damerow
MalathionUsed as a spray or powder applied to all housing components in coop.G Damerow
Carbaryl syntheticApplied as a powder (5% carbaryl) or spray (4 ounces of 80% carbaryl mixed in a 5 gallon bucket of water) on all housing components.G Damerow
PermethrinApplied as a powder (0.24% permethrin) or spray (3 ounces of 10% permethrin is mixed in a 5 gallon bucket of water) on all housing components.G Damerow



Perform regular physical exams on chickens, as well as all other domestic animals on the premises. .

Scientific References

Good Overviews


Risk Factors

  • Presence of domestic dogs and cats on the property
  • Rodents

