Chinese Skullcap

Scutellaria baicalensis

Chinese Skullcap

Other Names:



  • Antioxidant
  • Antibacterial
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Cardioprotective
  • Antiviral
  • Neuroprotective
  • Immunity
Chinese Skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis) is a plant used in traditional Chinese medicine for its anti-inflammatory properties, treatment of cardiovascular disease and bleeding disorders, and neuroprotective/cognitive enhancing properties. The main active compounds of interest are flavonoids baicalin, wogonoside, and oroxylin A, which are present in large quantities in the root of the plant.

Numerous research studies have been conducted on Scutellaria baicalensis in relation to chickens. The results from the research demonstrated that baicalein is an effective natural feed additive in broiler chicken diets at 100–200 mg/kg. It may also be useful for birds with avian influenza, Marek's disease virus, Duck virus hepatitis, Mycoplasma infection and Salmonella pullorum.

Poultry Specific Studies

TypePlant PartDosageSpecific useResultsRef
Chicks10 to 20 mg/kg dietantibacterial, colibacillosisexerts a protective effect against APEC-induced intestinal injury in chicks by inhibiting the PI3K/AKT-mediated NF-B pathway, suggesting that BA may be a potential therapeutic approach for avian colibacillosis.X Cheng et al., 2022
Hens1000 mg/kg of dietantibacterial, Salmonella pullorumalleviated S. pullorum-induced intestinal disruption and performance impairment in laying hens, which could be at least partially responsible by the modulation of gut microbial composition.W Wang et al., 2020
Chickensantibacterial, mycoplasmahas a protective effect against mycoplasma-induced lung inflammation in chicken by inhibiting the TLR6-mediated NF-B signalling.M Zou et al., 2020
Chickensantiviral, Avian influenza virusresults provide a new theoretical basis for clinical prevention and control of H9N2 AIV infection-induced secondary bacterial infection and inflammation.X Zhang et al., 2020
Chickens450 mg/kg of dietantibacterialHistopathological examination showed the alveolar spaces and mucosal layer thickening was restored and cilia gradually recovered with baicalin treatment compared in coinfection group and MG-infection group. Meanwhile, IL-17 singling pathway–related genes were significantly reduced in baicalin treatment group in lung, including IL-17C, TRAF6, NF-B, CXCL1, CXCL2, MMP1, GM-CSF, and MUC5AC.Z Wu et al.,2020
Chickensextract450 mg/kgantibacterial, mycoplasmapromoted mitochondrial dynamics imbalance and effectively prevents oxidative stress and apoptosis in the splenocytes of chickens infected with mycoplasma.M Ishfaq et al., 2020
Chickens100 to 200 mg/kg of dietoverall healthcan be used as an effective natural feed additive in broiler chicken diets.Y Zhou et al., 2019
Ducksantiviral, Duck virus hepatitispossessed anti-DHAV-1 effect. It improved the cytoactive of DEH which was infected by DHAV-1 as well as reduced the DHAV-1 reproduction in DEH. Under baicalin treatment, mortality of ducklings infected by DHAV-1 decreased, additionally the DHAV-1 level and liver injury in such ducklings were significantly reduced or alleviated. The in vitro mechanism study indicated baicalin inhibited DHAV-1 reproduction via interfering the viral replication and release. Furthermore, the in vivo mechanism study manifested both the anti-oxidative and immuno-enhancing abilities of baicalin, which played crucial roles in its curative effect on DVH.Y Chen et al., 2019
Chickensroot extract0.5-1.5% of dietimmunityshould be carefully evaluated when given to poultry. The excess intake may cause immunologic inhibition and may negatively affect the development of immune organs. Can inhibit the formation of radial segmentation nuclei showing antimetastatic properties and also the phagocytosis of chicken heterophils.B Kroliczewska et al., 2017
Chickensextractantibacterial, Salmonellaeffectively decreased gut inflammation and increased chicken performance.K Varmuzova et al., 2015
