Adenoviruses are non-enveloped double-stranded DNA viruses which commonly affect poultry and wild bird worldwide. In many instances, healthy birds are infected without showing signs of disease, until a stressful event or injury or sickness, in which they become opportunistic pathogens.
Genus Aviadenovirus Group I Avian adenoviruses: There are five virus species--A, B, C, D, and E and 12 serotypes:
- Fowl adenovirus A, serotype Fowl adenovirus 1 (FAdV-1)
- Fowl adenovirus B, serotype Fowl adenovirus 5 (FAdV-5)
- Fowl adenovirus C, serotype Fowl adenovirus 4 (FAdV-4)
- Fowl adenovirus 10 (FAdV-10)
- Fowl adenovirus D, serotype adenovirus 2 (FAdV-2)
- Fowl adenovirus 3 (FAdV-3)
- Fowl adenovirus 9 (FAdV-9)
- Fowl adenovirus 11 (FAdV-11)
- Fowl adenovirus E, serotype Fowl adenovirus 6 (FAdV-6)
- Fowl adenovirus 7 (FAdV-7)
- Fowl adenovirus 8a (FAdV-8a)
- Fowl adenovirus 8b (FAdV-8b)
- Duck adenovirus 2 (DAdV)
- Pigeon adenovirus (PiAdV)
- Turkey adenovirus 1, 2 (TAdV)
Genus Siadenovirus Group II Avian adenoviruses:- Hemorrhagic enteritis virus (turkeys)
- Marble spleen disease (pheasants)
- AASV (chickens)
Genus Atadenovirus Group III Avian Adenoviruses:Associated diseases:- Inclusion Body Hepatitis (IBH)
- Hydropericardium Syndrome
- Gizzard Erosions
Disinfectants: Adenoviruses are resistant to lipid solvents, sodium deoxycholate, trypsin, 2% phenol and 50% alcohol.
Transmission: Adenoviruses are transmitted vertically, and chicks hatched from infected eggs can shed the virus in their feces after they hatch.